Whitehorse YT, Day 21, 104 miles, total miles 2,028

The climb out of Skagway to Whitehorse was uneventful for everyone, thank goodness. It is an 8% grade for 12 miles with the Canadian border crossing at the top. 109 miles later is Whitehorse, Yukon Territories with a population of about 28,000. It was born out of the gold rush days and is the capital of YT. It does have a limited Wal-Mart which was not very good, now fresh foods, but the town does have a Canadian Supercenter which has about any food group you could need. We stocked up for the week and fueled the Dutch Star. Diesel and gas are priced in liters in Canada, Cd$1.205 in Whitehorse, and after conversion to US$ is about US$3.89 per US Gallon after conversion and the “foreign transaction” fees.

We return here August 25th for 3 nights, so there will be an update about the town after that visit. It does have 2 Tim Horton’s Donuts with Wi-Fi, so when we come back we will go there for Wi-Fi. And the donuts. LOL.

Tomorrow is the “worst” driving day of the entire trip we were told. 9 to 10 hours, 336 miles of bad road, with the last 200 washboard gravel. Can’t wait. We are sick of rain. Every day since we left Lake Louise.

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