Smithers, BC, Day 58, 206 miles; Prince George, Day 59 and last day 60, 232 miles, total miles 5,691.

Prince George BC-250As you can see from the lead picture, Jaye’s dog Chilli is ready to go home!  The trip from Stewart, BC to Smithers BC was a better road, except for about 30 miles of Chip & Seal repair. We were greeted with a huge rock thrown by an 18 wheeler on that stretch. It didn’t hit the windshield which would have shattered it, but hit our metal rear view mirror. Hard. It sounded like you would imagine, rock on metal. It made a huge crack in the chrome housing. 1/10th of a second made a difference. Makes you wonder how many rocks we missed! That afternoon we washed the F-150 to see all the chips and tar. Later that evening we had a pizza party and laughed at Sam’s clean shave after winning the scruffy beard award the day before. The Smithers Par 3 RV campground is inside a par 3 golf course. Decent campground, but no sewer nor Internet. We had to go into town to a Tim Horton’s for Internet.

Tomorrow we are off on our last day to Prince George.

Prince George. We made it. We had a farewell dinner the evening we arrived and our “sewing lady” gave away an Alaskan theme quilt she made on the trip. Nice work. Prince George BC-255 Marilyn showed off her white fringe jacket. Very stylish.  The wagon master showed his pics from the trip and I showed a 12 minute 22 second video of all my “keeper” pics and videos, 458 of them. Yup, about a second each plus videos. I’ll post the video when I get a good connection. In the next morning there was a continental breakfast where everyone said goodbyes. A few tears were shed and hugs shared. We then headed south to the Lower 48.  Click here for the pics of Prince George

Prince George BC-251

USA. We are now back in the USA lower 48. Glad to be home. Last night we went half way, 301 miles, to a KOA campground in Clearwater BC. Funny enough, we were talking to a couple that pulled in next to us and found out they had just bought a home in our old neighborhood in AZ, Sun City Festival that we sold April 2nd. Small world. We are now in Mount Vernon, WA, 611 miles from Prince George for a Grand Total Miles 6,302 since Coeur d’Alene, ID, the start of our trip 61 days ago.

We enjoyed our trip, saw a lot of great places, and made 49 new friends that we hope to see again down the road. Check back for our epilog in a few days.


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Chuck & Sandy

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