Calgary Stampede day 2 – Updated

On day two it rained in the morning but quit by Rodeo time. We headed out to the Stampede Grandstands, which are covered, and it rained until opening ceremonies then cleared off over the next few hours. The rodeo area started off muddy and made for interesting events. These are the best cowboys and cowgirls competing for CD$100,000 in each of 7 categories. After it quit raining they “drug” the grounds a couple of different times and by the time the cowgirl barrel-racing event was ready it had dried. We have been to rodeos in the past but the competition here is head and shoulders above what we have seen before. Maybe the PBR finals in Las Vegas are as good, at least that is what some of our new fiends say. The livestock are also the best, with bulls and horses bucking higher and twisting more that you can imagine.

If you are not familiar with Rodeo events, the Stampede has calf roping & tying, steer wrestling where the rider jumps off the horse and tackles and takes down a small steer, bare bronco riding for 8 seconds, saddle bronco riding, again for 8 seconds, Brahma Bull riding for 8 seconds, Cowgirl barrel racing which is a timed event as they race around 3 barrels and probably only at the Stampede the Chuck Wagon racing, where they start from a dead stop and go around two barrels then back around a track.Stampede-103

Each event has its own rules and difficulties, with the bull riding the toughest in my opinion. Trying to stay on an animal who doesn’t want you on, for 8 seconds is extremely difficult and the cowboys can get injuries, some life threatening, if you don’t know what you are doing or in the wrong place at the wrong time or an accident happens like the horse falling on you.

I will try to post some photos and videos on-line when I get a good Wi-Fi connection which is a challenge in Canada.

Click Here for Calgary Stampede pics

If you click the > at the top right it will give you a slide show.  Check out the Chuck Wagon Races videos at

Click here for the Chuck Wagon and Rodeo videos

Tomorrow we are off to Lake Louise and Banff National Park.

If you want to contact me use the form on the left side of the posts and you can check out all the pics by clicking the two dots at the top of the page.


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