The campground, Pioneer RV park, has a lot of issues. Power is intermittent for some sites, none in others, some have good water, some don’t. Some have cable TV, but most don’t. All have some weird Y pipe for the…

The campground, Pioneer RV park, has a lot of issues. Power is intermittent for some sites, none in others, some have good water, some don’t. Some have cable TV, but most don’t. All have some weird Y pipe for the…
When we left Valdez in the morning it was beautiful. Hated to leave but we are on a schedule. On the drive back up the pass the weather turned blustery and overcast. By the time we got to Tok it…
We hated to leave Homer as the day started out beautiful after raining and windy for two days. But, being on a schedule we had to leave for Palmer. Back up thru Anchorage, another beautiful day and drive. It rained…
Another 3 days of rain, off and on. It has rained about half of our trip. The drive here from was uneventful, thankfully. A little stretch of road with some narrow parts and no shoulder. Another beautiful drive, in the…
Wow, 4 days in a row without rain, 2 in Anchorage and 2 in Seward. A record for this trip. It is raining again today and forecast is for rain for a week in this part of Alaska. Ug. The…
Anchorage population is 350,000 or half of all of Alaska’s population. Think about that for a second as Alaska is much larger than Texas! It stretches 30 miles north and another 30 miles south of the city proper. It is…
Denali National Park. We got up at 5am for a 6:40am departure on a converted Blue Bird school bus, run by concessionaire Aramark, 56 miles thru Denali National Park. The park road is 90+ miles long, and the park itself…
On Day 3 we did some shopping and visited the Santa Clause House in North Pole, AK. We took some pics of Santa and asked him to talk to Francis & Claudia, our grandkids, and we videoed it. It was…
Finally some decent TV and internet at the Riverside RV Park. The water is not great and they allow smokey fires. We haven’t had DirecTV since Calgary. We thought it was because of the mountains or the position at the…
The drive from Tok was a breeze. Like a super highway even, and we could even use our cruise control, the first time since before Whitehorse. The end of the Alaska Highway is at Delta Junction, AK, about 90 miles…
Short day, but we got a chip in our Dutch Star windshield. Hopefully we can get it repaired in Fairbanks or Anchorage. Otherwise it was uneventful. We arrived in Tok and fueled up. Then went to the RV camp and…
Yup, the drive was as bad as predicted. We got to the ferry right after it opened at 7am so we had a short wait. I will post a video of the ferry crossing soon, and Sandy took photos as…